Because we care about your kids
Southport Presbyterian Church offers full-time child care for children from 6:30am - 5:30pm in the form of Welcome Place. Our ministry encourages the healthy emotional, social, educational, spiritual and physical growth of children.
brightwheel app
We use the Brightwheel app to send pictures, notes, incident reports and more to you throughout the day. You can check these at your convenience and stay up to date with what is happening with your children. We want to help stay connected and in tune with you and your families here at welcome place.
What can you expect?
We know how daunting it can be to send your child off for the first time. Especially into new environments and experiences like a child care. That's why we've put together some items below for you to know what to expect from us here at Welcome Place.
Curriculum with kids in mind
We have regular structured and unstructured times of learning, play and activities to help your kiddos learn, grow and develop in a manner that helps them prepare for their next stage of life.
Sustainable Lunch Program
We have a full kitchen staff that works Mon - Fri to provide a balanced nutritious meal for each and everyone child.
Affordability & Pricing
We have a competitively priced rate that we hope makes childcare affordable for you and your family. Contact Sarah Rondot to discuss pricing in further details.
Consistent Care
We know that routine is important for your children's development. We want to make sure that your children are met with the love and consistency in their care they need.
Meet the team.
Sometimes it's nice to put a face to name. Below is a list of our Directors whom we want you to know for your first visit to our child care.

Sarah Rondot
Director of Welcome Place

Laura Wagner
Assistant Director of Welcome Place

Emily Thomas
Assistant Director of Welcome Place